As the temperatures rise and we spend more time outdoors during the summer, it's important to be mindful of fungal infections that thrive in warm and humid conditions. 

Fungal infections can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, nails, and groin area.

To help you enjoy a summer free from fungal infections, we've compiled a list of preventive measures and hygiene practices.



Follow these tips to keep your skin healthy and fungus-free throughout the season.

  • Practice Good Hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene is crucial in preventing fungal infections. Regularly wash and dry your body, paying special attention to areas prone to moisture and sweat, such as the feet, groin, and armpits. Use mild, pH-balanced cleansers to avoid disrupting the skin's natural balance.

  • Keep Your Skin Dry: Fungi thrive in moist environments, so it's important to keep your skin dry. After bathing or swimming, thoroughly dry your body, paying extra attention to areas that tend to retain moisture. Use a clean towel and ensure no dampness remains on the skin.

  • Wear Breathable Fabrics: Opt for breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics during the summer to prevent excessive sweating and moisture build-up. Cotton and other natural fibers allow air circulation, reducing the chances of fungal growth.

  • Avoid Sharing Personal Items: Fungal infections can spread through direct contact or sharing personal items. Avoid sharing towels, clothing, footwear, and personal care items like razors or nail clippers. This reduces the risk of transferring fungi from infected individuals to yourself.

  • Protect Your Feet: In hot weather, our feet can be particularly vulnerable to fungal infections. Wear open-toed shoes or sandals that allow airflow and help keep your feet dry. Avoid wearing damp socks or shoes for extended periods and change them if they become wet or sweaty.

  • Use Antifungal Powders or Sprays: Consider using antifungal powders or sprays on susceptible areas prone to fungal infections, such as the feet or groin. These products can help keep the skin dry, reduce fungal growth, and prevent the spread of infection.

  • Practice Proper Foot Care: Maintain proper foot hygiene by regularly washing your feet with mild soap and warm water. Dry them thoroughly, paying attention to the spaces between toes. Trim your toenails straight across to avoid ingrown nails that can provide entry points for fungi.

  • Be Cautious in Public Areas: Be cautious in public areas where fungi can thrive, such as locker rooms, pools, and communal showers. Wear protective footwear, such as flip-flops or water shoes, to minimise direct contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.

  • Treat Existing Infections Promptly: If you notice any signs of a fungal infection, such as redness, itching, scaling, or discolored nails, seek appropriate medical treatment. Prompt and proper treatment can prevent the infection from spreading and minimise discomfort.


By practicing good hygiene, keeping your skin dry, wearing breathable fabrics, and taking precautions in public areas, you can significantly reduce the risk of fungal infections during the summer.


Remember, prevention is key, so be mindful of these preventive measures and promptly address any signs of infection.


Enjoy a healthy and fungus-free summer season